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How to Search

      Choose a Father GodQuotes Index Search and move the slider along to any word or phrase you desire and click it to see the results appear. Scroll through the results and click any result to read the verse in context in the Bible that appears on the left. You can click to view the verses in different Bibles as well.
      You can also do a Father GodQuotes Topic Search which is ideal for Bible Studies and diving deeper into the intimate topics through which God reveals Himself.
      Want to search for your own topics? Try the Father GodQuotes Free Text Search to find any and every topic you can imagine!
      Additionally, there is a Bible Free Text Search to search the entire bible for words or phrases along with a Bible Book, Chapter Verse Search to take you directly to the verse of your choice.
      And be sure to check out the Jesus (Yeshua) Quotes Search as well. Again use the slide to find a word or phrase to search or use the free text search to find everything Jesus Yeshua said about a topic.


      Want to sit back and listen to compilations of Father God’s quotes? For hours of listening, choose from God In His Own Words, The Blessings and The Curses to come to know God in ways you’ve never known!

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Search GodQuotes, Inc. is a non-denominational non-profit organization which is a vessel to disseminate the words of God.

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BK CH VS American King James King James JPS 1917 Messianic Edition World English Bible